Killer Brownie Finds a Partner in BW Flexible Systems
Established in 1988, The Killer Brownie® Co. is an Ohio-based gourmet brownie manufacturer. Initially formed as part of the Dorothy Lane Market in Dayton, Ohio, by 2013, the bakery's popularity led it to spin off and establish itself as an independent business. By 2019, as word of mouth about their indulgent baked goods continued to grow, Killer Brownie found itself fielding increasing requests for individually wrapped brownies.
They quickly realized it was time to grow their packaging operations and began looking for a machinery manufacturer that could help them deliver their signature brownies to shops and customers in high-quality single-wrap packages.
They chose BW Flexible Systems for our commitment to customers and expertise in bakery. What happened next was a partnership that delivered more than just machinery!
Inside the case study, you'll get insights into how we provide quality, innovation, and support through our strong partnerships with customers.
"The most important part is to take care of the people who are under your care." "We saw immediately that was an important part of the BW culture as well. We knew if they were taking care of their employees and empowering them and if they were happy, that they would be a great partner for us because they would be people who enjoy their work and want to support us as a customer."